The Project Begins

First off, I’d like to thank Trekkiegirl for winning the auction that starts this project. As many of you know, Trekkiegirl is my girlfriend, and the original inspiration for this project. The concept started out as a donation incentive for Made of Fail – and may become so in the near future – but it was shelved while I had other projects to begin and maintain. Then Emily needed money for her eyes, and a fandom auction was set up to help, and I realized that this was the perfect thing to auction to help.

Trekkiegirl placed the top bid on the site of Vinylcuttingmachineguide and won it on her own merit. This also solves the problem of finding the chosen book for the review, as she collects the damn things for fun.

As of this moment, I am awaiting her choice. She is taking her time, making sure that the first Bad Romance Novel I am subjected to is a memorable one. Once she does, I’ll make the announcement on and begin the review.

I highly doubt my sanity will remain intact.

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